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Belief in the Universe and a Higher Self

by Lisa Cybaniak

Lisa's sharing how having a belief in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self is what allowed her to overcome the negative circumstances in her life and build a life she truly deserves. Listen here!

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Do you believe in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self?

I think it goes without saying that I have a strong belief in Universal energy, Life Force energy, or Source energy. Some people call this energy God. It doesn’t matter what name you give this energy, because it’s more about how you interpret it and connect with it than how you identify it.

It is the understanding that we are all connected, energetically; we all come from the same source. That’s everything – the animals, plants, humans, and absolutely everything in between.

The Energy of the Universe and a Higher Self All Around Us

Everything has energy, even inanimate objects. That’s scientific fact. Every single atom, and subatomic particle, in our Universe is vibrating with its own energy frequency. It’s an energy we cannot see, and usually can’t even feel, yet we know it’s there.

We don’t feel ourselves vibrating. In fact, you can’t feel the chair you’re sitting on, the ground you’re supported by, the clothes on your back, or the phone in your hand vibrating. Yet they are.

For those of us who believe in Universal energy, we know this all too well. When we’re well connected, we might be able to feel that connection, if only for a moment and with only a small part of our world. For those who are gifted with seeing aura’s and the like, they may actually see some of this energy. But largely, we carry on believing in this energy based on an understanding it’s there, even if we don’t really understand it at all, consciously that is!

It’s difficult to wrap our heads around the concept that there is one Source point of energy from which we are all connected – all originating from. Some people find it too difficult to think of there being a life after death, where the energetic beings that we are leave our physical bodies when it dies, returns to Source, and somehow “lives” on.

Questioning Life as We Know It

Much in the same way that many have great difficulty considering life on other planets, not to mention the idea that that life may not look like life as we know it.

What if, in another galaxy, a planet had the perfect conditions for life, just not carbon-based life like ours here on Earth? Perhaps this planet has an excess of different elements that are somehow able to form complex molecules that could support life. We don’t understand how that could possibly be because we only understand life as it is here, requiring oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and the like.

Once we have evidence that it’s possible, only then will our minds allow us to figure out how. Until then, we continue to scour our Universe for signs of life as we know it, looking for water (hydrogen and oxygen). To me, this is exactly the same as the age-old question, “Is there life after death?”

Contemplating the Universe and a Higher Self

Trying to comprehend the idea of a soul we cannot see or feel inside your body, can be difficult. Adding onto that, the idea that when your body dies, so will your ego and your personality which have been created out of your experiences during your life, but your soul will carry on, can blow your mind.

Not to mention the concept of having a Higher Self – an extension of your soul which has not incarnated into your body, is free of the concept of time and knows ALL, just might be more than some can take. I get that.

But I’m not one of them. I’m the one who gets intrigued by the notion and looks for a different kind of evidence. Because, if we can’t see or feel it, and thus measure it, we say there is no evidence. However, there have been numerous discoveries as technology has progressed that have allowed us to come to believe in other concepts that were previously misunderstood or simply unknown.

For example, DNA, our genetic code. Or when we thought the atom was the smallest particle in existence, when we now have proven there are indeed subatomic particles.

In my mind, the evidence we are looking to gather for the existence in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self, will be discovered the day we die. That’s when we’ll see that evidence right before our “eyes” as our soul transcends our body and this physical world. But whether we’ll ever be able to gather evidence to prove to our egos that this is true, remains unseen.

So here in lies the question: Do you need evidence to believe in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self?

Having a belief in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self is what allowed me to overcome the negative circumstances in my life and build a life I truly deserve. Listen here!

Evidence for the Energy of the Universe and a Higher Self

When I posed this question to myself twenty years ago, I realised I had the evidence I needed. If you’ve listened to this Spiritual Solo Series throughout, then you know that it was a psychic who told my mum that I was being abused; that my Grandma’s spirit came to me while I was riding a bus and forbade me from using my self-defeating mantra again; and that I levitated off the ground during my Reiki Master attunement! I also met my Higher Self in my first ever meditation, and since have had countless more encounters and conversations, learning the true meaning of forgiveness. I’ve even had the opportunity to see someone’s past life.

These experiences are my evidence, even if, and perhaps especially because, I can’t prove any of it to another person. There is no tangible evidence that any of it happened. Or, in some cases, you may even be able to come up with a plausible explanation that doesn’t involve the energy of the Universe or a Higher Self.

Here’s the thing. Am I hurting anyone by believing in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self? Absolutely not.

In fact, believing in Universal energy allows me to be more empathetic in my daily interactions with others. I’m more aware of my thoughts, actions and reactions, particularly of any judgements that arise. I recognise that while we are all one, we are all living our own unique human experience, each of us creating an identity and a life around the experience we chose to have.

Powerless to Empowered

We chose the lessons we want to learn, the main people we will surround ourselves with, and the obstacles we’ll face. And while that belief could make me less empathetic towards people and their problems, I still recognise that our Higher energy form made those choices. Now that we are here, our human egos prevail. We’ve forgotten all that we aimed to learn, the fact that we wanted obstacles – all of it. In fact, we’ve even forgotten that we are energy!

That’s the point, as I see it. If we could remember and feel the connection we have with each other and all things in the Universe, including being part of Source energy, as well as everything we laid out for ourselves in terms of challenges and rewards, what would be the point?

Because we’ve forgotten all this, we neglect to remember that we manifest our entire lives. All of our experiences in life lead us to develop opinions. When we find evidence to support that opinion, it becomes a belief. And those beliefs run in the background all day long, influencing all the decisions we make, and even how we see our world.

The Universal Language

Those beliefs drive our thoughts which influence our emotions. And, our emotions are linked to our energy vibration – the Universal language.

Whatever we are predominantly feeling, we manifest into our lives. Thus, our frequency of vibration creates our reality. If we are predominantly negative, we manifest more negativity into our lives. And because we have negative belief patterns that have developed due to our past experiences, we expect negativity, creating a seemingly endless loop.

But remember, your Higher Self isn’t subjected to any of this. That part of you is pure; it has no ego and has not developed any beliefs based on life experiences. It knows all. The actual truth, not what you believe to be true because of an opinion you once formed and found some evidence to support.

Your Higher Self is a source of support and undeniable love and acceptance. He or she knows what you’re here to learn and what obstacles you chose to face. And she’s giving you the opportunity to face them, learn, heal, grow and evolve, just as you’d planned.

Listening to Your Higher Self

The real challenge isn’t what you’re facing in your life right now. Instead, your challenge is to listen to the guidance your Higher Self is giving; find the connection between you and the energy of the Universe and your Higher Self. When you’ve found it, you’ll realise that nothing can break you, for you’re in charge of what flows to you.

This is exactly how I escaped my suicidal thoughts and self-loathing beliefs after a decade of child abuse. Reminding myself of this connection, and then searching for it expecting to feel it, empowered me. Instantly I went from feeling I was a powerless victim to gaining full control over my life. I was creating my reality by manifesting all the negative people and experiences into my life through my teens and twenties.

Manifesting Your Life

Because I believed I deserved these experiences, I was fixated on seeing them exclusively. Any positive experiences didn’t match my internal narrative, so they were ignored.

My predominant thoughts were of self-loathing, making me emotionally angry, fearful and powerless. Thus, my energy vibration was low, allowing me to manifest more of the same. And because I believed I deserved it, when it arrived, I was more than happy to embrace it while complaining about all that was wrong with my life.

Believing in a Higher Self had an immediate impact on me. I instantly detached from my belief that my child abuse happened to teach me how worthless I was. No longer could I accept that being worthless was something I was meant to learn. Rather, I began to see that my abuse was the obstacle I had placed into this life, before I ever incarnated into it myself, so that I could overcome it, not dwell in it.

Connecting to the Energy of the Universe and a Higher Self

When you connect to the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self, you can no longer support a belief that you’re meant to live in misery. Instead, you begin to realise that the misery you’re feeling is there because you’re meant to climb your way out. The way to do it is through the connection to the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self.

Strengthening this connection has the amazing side effect of strengthening your belief in yourself. You regain your power and use it to climb your hurdles. In fact, you begin to see your hurdles differently. No longer are they filled with pain and anguish, another piece of evidence that you’re worthless. Instead they are opportunities for you to reach your next level.

Creating a New Reality

That next level, for me, was manifesting my way out of my victimhood. I began to focus on my connection to the energy of the Universe and my Higher Self to shift my beliefs, raise my awareness of my emotions, and thus alter my energy vibration.

Expecting positive experiences created positive experiences, and I embraced them. Gratitude began to play heavily in my life – making a point of acknowledging what I was manifesting and giving thanks for it. I was thanking the Universe and my Higher Self, but I was also thanking myself for taking this step and making these changes in my life.

And because I was acknowledging those positive experiences, I began to expect them. You see, each positive experience acted as evidence against my belief that I was worthless. Our minds can’t handle being wrong, so by specifically focusing on accepting the positive experiences as true, my unconscious mind had no choice but to let go of that negative belief. And with the belief dissolving, I was more easily able to accept more positive experiences into my life.

Win win!

Sharing The Love

When a client, friend or family member is suffering, it’s difficult to see. Not just because I care about them and want the best for them, but because I know they have the power to change it. My belief in the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self doesn’t cause me to judge me, but embrace them.

My approach in helping them through their struggles involves sharing my knowledge of Universal energy and a Higher Self. It’s up to them to deny or accept it. They’re on their own journey, as are you. Who am I to judge whether discovering or building upon this connection is right for them? For all I know, this may be their obstacle they’re here to face.

What I can do is offer my help and lead by example. Those who are meant to be motivated to find and build their connection to the energy of the Universe and a Higher Self, will.

Press play on the episode above to get all the details!

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My book, Survivor to Warrior: You can change your life, walks you through shifting your mindset, challenging your beliefs, recognising your power within, and more! Access it by searching for the title in your country. Here are the links to purchase in Canada, USA, and UK.

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Music credit: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque

Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast!  Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.

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By Lisa Cybaniak

I am Lisa Cybaniak, Reiki Master Teacher, High Priestess, Author, Founder of Life, like you mean it, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. I am doing my part to aid in the evolution of the Earth, and mankind by providing Reiki treatments and training. This, along with Massage Therapy and my monthly Full Moon Women's Circles, offers gentle, yet effective healing.