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Healing Through Reiki, and more…

Lisa’s Healing Journey

Hi, I’m Lisa! I began my healing journey with Reiki in 1997, evolving to become a Reiki Master Teacher in two expressions of Reiki in 1999 & 2000 (Usui/Tibetan and Usui Shiki Ryoho).

Since then, Reiki has played a predominant role in my life, including healing from 10-years of child abuse.

The healing energy of Reiki has utterly changed my experience with life, and is what inspires me to share Reiki with the world.

Most recently, in 2021, I completed my Holy Fire* III Karuna* Reiki Master training. Feeling a strong resonance with this expression, I now focus my work and teachings in Holy Fire* Karuna* Reiki.

I teach Reiki courses of all levels, and give Reiki healing sessions. Both the courses and treatments are offered in-person and online over Zoom.

But it doesn’t end there!

For over 16 years, I was a Registered Massage Therapist in Canada, and even owned my own Wellness Centre. Helping people in this way will always hold a space in my heart. If you suffer from a soft tissue injury, are pregnant or recovering from childbirth, or are just in need of someone to help you relax so you can heal, I’d love to help.

You’ll also find I have a special fondness for holding space for women. As such, every month, I hold a Full Moon Women’s Circle in my home, in the Wantage area of Oxfordshire, in England. After creating sacred space, we endeavour to identify and release anything from our lives that no longer serves us, to make way for something new. I’d love for you to join us!


For any of my services, please reach out via email for more information, or WhatsApp me at +44(0)7527876221. You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram. Click one of the icons below to reach out or follow me on social media:

Join me in the Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood!

The Red Tent Goddesses have two beautiful options to meet you where you are on your path:

The free version (Online Red Tent Temple) is a safe & free space to be yourself, meet fellow sisters around the world, and enjoy a taste of the Divine Feminine. This is perfect for women who are learning to accept and love all parts of themselves, mind, body, and spirit. It includes free events, self-love practices, and learning how cyclical living can change your life.

The Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood includes everything from the Online Temple, as well as premium events and features, such as New Moon Gatherings, Full Moon Lodge & Tree-Sister Circles, Masterclasses, and more! All events are offered online, and many are offered in-person for those in the area (Florida, US).

For those in the UK (Oxfordshire area), we have our very own chat group, and monthly Women’s Circle! (See below)

Healing Services Offered In-Person and Online:

Reiki Certification Courses

Reiki, or Universal Life Force Energy, is a Japanese technique founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1930s. The word is made of two Japanese words: Rei, meaning “Higher Power”, and Ki which is “life force energy”. So then, Reiki is known to be spiritually guided life force energy.

In 2014, a new expression of Reiki was communicated through a long-time advocate, and Master Teacher, William Lee Rand. This expression is called Holy Fire* III (as it has since undergone a few more evolutions since our first understanding of it). In order to work with this expression as a Practitioner, one is opened to a higher level of consciousness, through what are called Experiences, Placements, and if you are called to teach as a Master, Ignitions.

Reiki is not taught in the traditional sense. Although we have classes to pass along the knowledge and teach you the wisdom bestowed upon us, Reiki is actually transferred to the student during the class. This ability is passed on during what we call a Placement (formerly called an attunement), given by a Reiki Master. It allows the student to tap into the unlimited supply of life force energy to improve one’s health and enhance their quality of life.

Reiki is taught in levels where each level builds upon the next. However, it is important to note that a student who has had a Holy Fire* Reiki Level I Placement has everything they need to be a wonderful Reiki Practitioner. Only those who are drawn to develop their Reiki practise further will feel called to expand their training into Level II and beyond.

Each Reiki class I teach is offered in both online and in-person formats. This is what you can expect to learn in each:

Level I

  • The origin story and Reiki principles
  • Reiki hand positions for treating yourself and others
  • Feeling your own energy
  • How to feel the energy of others
  • Protecting your energy
  • Gassho meditation
  • Kenyoku (dry bathing or clearing ones energy field)

Cost is £125 for 9 hours of training

Level II

  • The Reiki II symbols
  • Koki ho (using the breath to send Reiki)
  • Gyoshi ho (sending Reiki with the eyes)
  • Distant Healing
  • Healing unwanted habits
  • Clearing objects of unwanted energy
  • Reiji-ho (developing intuition)
  • Byosen Scanning (detecting where Reiki is needed)

Cost is £210 for 9 hours of training

Please contact me for more information and class dates.

Level III

  • Reiki Usui symbol
  • How to use the Master symbol to enhance your practice
  • Powering up the symbols
  • The Reiki Grid
  • Balancing Techniques
  • Moving meditation

Cost is £300 for 9 hours of training

Holy Fire* III Level IV Master

  • The Holy Fire* Master symbol
  • Healing the ego
  • The Twelve Heavens
  • Healing Experience (used for a specific healing, to release a block, manifest a goal or help with a relationship issue)
  • The Formless Realm
  • Holy Fire* Reiki Meditation
  • How to teach each level, including the Experiences, Placements and Ignitions

Cost is £550 for 4 days of training (21 hours)

Please contact me for more information and class dates.

Holy Fire* III Karuna Master

You must already be a Reiki Master in any expression to take this course. In this class, you will learn:

  • The Holy Fire* Master symbol
  • 8 Karuna* Reiki symbols
  • Healing the ego
  • The Twelve Heavens
  • Healing Experience (used for a specific healing, to release a block, manifest a goal or help with a relationship issue)
  • The Formless Realm
  • Holy Fire* Reiki Meditation
  • How to teach each level, including the Experiences, Placements and Ignitions

Cost is £800 for 4 days of training (21 hours)

Please contact me for more information and class dates.

Reiki Treatments

A Reiki treatment can be done in person with the Practitioner laying their hands on or just over the body (with clothes on), or over distance, as energy moves about freely. People often report that their treatments feel like a wonderful glowing radiance flowing around and through them.

The Experiences I mentioned above are another way of using Reiki for healing. Experiences are guided at first by the practitioner, which is similar to a visualisation. At a specific point in the Experience, you will be prompted to allow Holy Fire* to guide you inwards. It is at this point that you have your own unique Experience.

My in-person and online Reiki treatments are quite similar. Of course, in the in-person session, I’m able to hold my hands directly on or above you. I hold my online treatments over Zoom, which allows us to still have a small conversation, answer any questions, and perhaps guide you through an Experience as part of the healing session.

When the time is right for the “laying on of hands” in an online session, you can allow yourself to be comfortable, leaving your video on or off, while I connect with the healing energy. I will use my spirit hands in the treatment, which simply means I am envisioning laying my hands on you, or just above you, in certain key places around or on your body.

When either session is complete, I will slowly and gently walk you back to a waking state before we wish each other well and end the session.

These sessions typically last between 45-60 minutes and cost £40.00, whether online or in-person. Please contact me for more information and to schedule your session.

Services Offered Only Online:

Reiki Healing Practice Circle

This is a free practice circle for all Reiki Practitioners and Masters in any expression of Reiki, held monthly on Zoom. We gather online to find support (and laughter) while we practice sending distance healing around the world.

It’s a wonderful opportunity for new Reiki Practitioners to ask questions and feel truly supported as they begin their work with Reiki.

And it’s also perfect for more experienced Practitioners and Masters, as it gives the opportunity to share your knowledge to support others. Of course, those with experience often come with lots of questions of their own as Reiki energy is always evolving. As such, your experience with it can grow and change over time.

Either way, it’s wonderful to have a safe space to practice, get and give support, and also get a treatment!

Get in touch to join!

Services Offered Only In-Person:

Full Moon Women’s Circle

Meeting in-person each month on (or close to) the full moon, is powerful. As women, our monthly cycle is heavily influenced by the moon. So why not celebrate during this time?

Each month, we gather in sacred space at my home in the Wantage area of Oxfordshire, England. We take time to connect with one another, and we work to identify and release what is no longer serving us.

This allows us to make room for something we’d each like to call into our lives – a time to manifest!

These monthly sessions are by donation on the day, in cash, or through bank transfer. To be added to our WhatsApp group for reminders of our next meeting days/times, please contact me.

Massage Therapy

After being a Registered Massage Therapist in Canada for over 16 years, I moved to England to become a GCSE Science and A-Level Biology teacher!

Although I can no longer referred to myself as an RMT, I am still very much able to give deep tissue Swedish massages, including sports massage for specific injuries, and pregnancy massage.

However, while I am able to do relaxing sessions, my focus is on finding and releasing trigger points that are causing the disturbance, with special focus on the neck and low back/hips.

Sessions are in my home, in the Wantage area of Oxfordshire, England, and cost of £40.00/hour. Please contact me for more information and to schedule your session.

Speaking of being a former Science & Biology classroom teacher… When I left the classroom, I began online tutoring for Key Stage 3 & GCSE Science, and AS/A-Level Biology. If you have a child in need of help with content and/or exam preparations, please get more information here, or get in touch.

Healing Through Words:

My Books

55 Faces Book




United Kingdom

I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to share my words, wisdom, magic, experiences with you…. And for you to absorb and enjoy this very special morsel in some of the ways that I have.

Highlighting the lives and perspectives of over 55 women from around the world, we are each using our stories to lead change and impact in our own ways.

This epic anthology is led by Michelle Gardiner and The Aspire Series.

You can click below and get reading instantly…ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?!

Survivor to Warrior Book

This book is a deep exploration into how we can overcome our limitations and live the life we deserve. Abuse can rear its ugly head in many forms, leaving long-lasting damage that affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Problems rooted in childhood trauma left unattended often express in interesting ways. Some find themselves stuck in repetitive cycles that lower their self-esteem. This causes an attraction to toxic relationships, makes them feel like a fraud, manage money poorly, or to always fall short of fulfilling their potential.

Survivor to Warrior proves you no longer need to suffer. You always have a choice and an opportunity to break the chains that bind you, release the warrior inside, and become your own hero. Through interactive reflections and exercises, Transformational NLP Practitioner, Belief Clearer, and Reiki Master, Lisa Cybaniak, guides you along the journey to finding your own warrior, establishing your values, and reclaiming your self-worth.

As a survivor of tens years of child abuse, Lisa gently walks you through effective strategies to help you reframe your experiences and reconnect with your Higher Self to help you rebuild your life on your own terms.

It’s time to step into your greatness and make a choice to live the life you’ve always deserved!

Get your paperback or kindle version on Amazon, here.

Follow my Healing Journey on Social Media

*Holy Fire and Karuna are the registered service marks of William Lee Rand