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That Time I Saw a Past Life

by Lisa Cybaniak

Lisa's sharing her story of that time she actually saw someone's past life, right before her eyes... and touched him! Listen to this episode here.

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Do you believe in having a past life, or lives? In this series, I’ve been walking you through my spiritual journey of awakening. If you’ve missed the previous episodes in this series, go ahead and give them a listen – they’re worth it, if I do say so myself! I’ve listed them here for easy access:

A Psychic Saved My Life

My Grandma’s Spirit went on a Bus Ride

That Time I Levitated

I Met My Higher Self

Spirit Taught me How to Forgive

Now that you’re caught up, we can begin the next leg of this journey – the part where I get to begin to use the knowledge I’ve gained about spirit.

In my late twenties/early thirties, I was practising Massage Therapy and Reiki in my own clinic. I loved how I was able to use touch in a positive way to help others, and this really acted as a healing for me as well.

Hot, HOT Hands

Right from the moment I was attuned in Reiki level one, my hands were on fire. For several months, they were always hot. When I’d give a Reiki treatment to someone, they would be nearly unbearable with the heat they’d give off. Eventually, they settled, or I got so used to the heat that it then became my norm. I don’t actually know which!

My clients always reported a hotter than normal heat coming from my hands, especially during specific Reiki treatments. Because of the nature of Reiki, the flow of energy, anytime I touch something, the energy is flowing through, and out of me. Therefore, even during massages, when I wasn’t trying to give a Reiki treatment, it would flow. So, when my hands were still during a Reiki treatment, and there was nothing else to focus on for myself or the client, the heat emanating from my hands was obvious.

Is That You or Me?

As I practised Reiki more and more, I began to notice something quite odd. I’d be giving a treatment, standing or seated, with my hands still, resting on or slightly above certain areas of the body, when I would start to feel things.

It started as discomfort. I’d notice my low back would be really tight, like it was about to go into spasm. Adjusting my position did nothing, but when I moved my hands off my client’s low back, the pain would ease. After the session was over, the client would always ask what I felt. When I first told a client about the physical discomfort I had felt during the treatment, I expected her to laugh at me, or shrug it off.

But, to my surprise, she stared at me in shock. During the treatment she had realised she’d forgotten to tell me about her persistent low back discomfort. It didn’t occur to her because wasn’t here for a massage. She thought Reiki would just treat her on a spiritual level, so she didn’t think to tell me about it. But there I was, telling her exactly where the pain was, which side of the body, what intensity, and the type (throbbing). We were both impressed.

A Little Experimentation goes a Long Way

I took this as an opportunity to experiment! Doing so allowed me to understand that I was actually feeling the client’s ailments, not my own. In the beginning, it would happen as my hands were on the exact area they were struggling with. But as time went on, my hands could be anywhere. I started to recognise the difference between my own discomfort and that of the client’s – they actually felt different.

This eventually progressed to me feeling their feelings too. I’d lay my hands on or above them and my mood would shift. I could palpably feel anger, hostility, happiness, love, concern… you name it.

I approached this in the same way as the physical sensations and sheepishly tell the client afterward what I experienced, not sure how they’d react. Sure enough, they’d acknowledge that was how they were feeling due to circumstances in their lives that they hadn’t told me about previously.

How intriguing!

Do you believe in a past life, or lives? What would you do if you saw your own, or someone else's past life? Listen to this podcast episode!

Bring on the Visions

That’s when the visions began. I’d be smack in the middle of a Reiki treatment when I’d see something in my mind’s eye – an image or a scene unfolding. Of course, like everything else, at first I thought it was just my mind wandering, making up stuff to pass the time – my ego getting bored during the treatments, or some such thing.

Again, I took a chance and told the client what I saw. With this client, the image I received was of a giant mound of salt – like road salt waiting to be collected by large salt trucks to salt the roads in the winter. Or at least that’s how it looked to me.

When I told him what I saw, the look on his face was priceless! His mind was blown. It turns out, he had a serious blood pressure issue and his doctor was after him to drastically reduce his salt intake.

The salt mound I had seen was the warning that he needed to cut out salt. The assumption I made about it being a mound of road salt ready for collection was my mind’s way of trying to make sense of a message that wasn’t meant for me.

From that moment on, anything I thought about (outside of the obvious things to do with my own life), or images I saw, I refrained from trying to understand and just repeated exactly as I had heard, thought or seen them.

Past Life, You Say?

So, then I was working on a long-time massage client of mine. Let’s call him Clause. After several massage treatments, one day he asked for a combination of massage and Reiki instead. Happy to oblige, I set to work.

He was lying face up on my massage table and I was seated by his head, resting my hands just above his face. I closed my eyes, as I always do when I practise Reiki as it helps me tune in, let the energy flow, keep my own energy to myself, and just let go.

After a few moments, I had the urge to open my eyes. When I did, lying on the table before me was not Clause as I had left him, but a past life version of Clause as an Egyptian Pharaoh. Clear as day, he lay before me dressed in the tradition garb, complete with what I would call a headdress. I was able to look closely and even see his eye make-up, a thick black line around his eyes, just as you see in the films.

A Past Life in the Flesh

It was the coolest thing I’ve experienced. I mean, it wasn’t a vision or a thought that popped into my mind. He was there, in the flesh. And he stayed there with me for much of the remaining treatment. As I moved around Clause to complete the Reiki session, laying my hands on his torso, I was laying my hands on a Pharaoh. I watched him breathe.

From walking around him I could see the detail in his clothing, the vibrancy of the colours. His headdress and half-pleated kilt were both blue and gold, although his kilt was more gold than blue. That classic collar worn by ancient Egyptian pharaohs was blue, red and gold and took up much of his chest and shoulders. And his sandals were pristine, like he’d never worn them before, adorned with jewels.

But no matter how much detail I saw, or how real it was, I couldn’t pick up on a name or a reason for seeing this past life. There was no message that I could hear or see. Just the past life itself and the unshakeable knowing that this belonged to Clause.

His Past Life Was the Message

Of course, I told Clause about my experience with his past life after the Reiki session. Not only had he a strange obsession with Egypt and the land of the Pharaohs, but he had had numerous mediums and psychics tell him of this very past life before!

I don’t know who exactly he was, or why it matters to him. And, it really doesn’t matter… to me. What does matter is that I saw someone’s past life. My seeing this past life was the message. He now has to figure out what, if anything it means to him.

I still have the gift of feeling off of others, as I call it – the ability to understand their pain, physical or emotional. Sometimes, I don’t even need to physically touch them. When I do Reiki distance healing, which is my primary Reiki practise now, I’m often not even on the same continent as my client. Yet, once I connect with them energetically by sending them Reiki healing energy, I tune in. I still get messages in the form of thoughts and pictures. But, for whatever reason, I have never again seen a past life.

I believe the experience was meant to happen just once. That the message was just as much for me as it was for Clause – confirmation of life after death.

The Next Step

Speaking of next steps… the next leg of my spiritual journey sees me ignoring the nudges from the Universe, until the Universe pushed me right off a cliff, metaphorically speaking!

In the meantime, I want to know if you believe in having a past life, and if so, would you want to know who you’ve been?

Press play on the episode above to get all the details!

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My book, Survivor to Warrior: You can change your life, covers all this and more! Access it by searching for the title in your country. Here are the links to purchase in Canada, USA, and UK.

Take me up on my offer for Reiki Distance Healing!

Music credit: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque

Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast!  Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.

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By Lisa Cybaniak

I am Lisa Cybaniak, Reiki Master Teacher, High Priestess, Author, Founder of Life, like you mean it, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. I am doing my part to aid in the evolution of the Earth, and mankind by providing Reiki treatments and training. This, along with Massage Therapy and my monthly Full Moon Women's Circles, offers gentle, yet effective healing.