by Lisa Cybaniak
Are you happy? I mean, truly, completely, 100% happy in all areas of your life? It’s normal to feel like you’re totally winning in certain areas of your life while others seem to fall by the wayside. But sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day of life, ignoring those aspects of our lives that don’t bring us joy so much that we wake up one day and wonder how we got here.
Today we’re talking about why women are unhappy and what to do about it. We’re talking openly about that treadmill of unhappiness that so many of us get on, and the steps you can start taking today to get off!
Sonia Greyson-Newman is an award-winning Life Coach, Author, Blogger and Speaker who supports women over 50 to get unstuck, jumpstart their lives and get their sassy back so they can live their best lives.
Meet Sonia Greyson-Newman
Sonia is often invited to speak and contribute on a number of radio shows, speaking platforms and articles, because her work and message are so valuable. A housing professional, wife, mother of 4 and now grandmother, Sonia believes that sometimes the simplest mindset and lifestyle changes have the biggest impact on living a balanced and happy life.
Sonia tells it like it is in this episode, outlining why so many women are unhappy, and setting us up with tips that have the power to change everything, if we let them. She’s sharing EIGHT incredible tips to tackle your life head on to create the reality of your dreams, no matter your age or situation, as only an award-winning life coach can do.
Are you excited to learn Sonia’s eight tips to creating happiness in your life? I’m telling you, this episode is a powerful one. I recommend you start a journal for everything we talk about here today as it will help you get clear on who you are as a person.
So, let’s dive right in!
How do you want to feel?
Sonia’s first tip is to take time out to ask yourself how you want to feel. She suggests you ask yourself this question daily, throughout the day, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.
Find your happiness, or non-happiness, trigger
Once you understand how you want to feel, you need to discover the trigger for this feeling, or as Sonia says, this non-feeling. Where is it coming from? What’s stopping you from feeling the way you want?
What do you need to find happiness?
Now that you know how you want to feel, and you understand what triggers that feeling, or lack thereof, it’s time to uncover what you need to get there. What is it that you need to do to remove the blocks in your way; the feelings you want less of, to make room for the feelings you do want?
What does happiness look like?
It seems natural that if you first ask yourself how you want to feel, you also need to get real about what happiness actually looks like for you. Sonia suggests you ask yourself a series of questions to get clear on this:
What does unstuck look like? What does your perfect day look like? What does your perfect life look like?
What do you want out of life?
This is such a powerful question, isn’t it? Powerful and overwhelming! Answering this question is crucial to finding your happiness, so take your time and write out a list of everything you want out of your life – in all areas.
The Wheel of Life
All the best coaches out there use this tool because it is such a powerful way to get clear on how you’re feeling about all the major areas of your life – your health, finances, career, spirituality, social life, family, and more.
Once you’re clear about how you’re feeling in each area, you can determine your area of focus to create more balance and happiness by creating goals for the season to change your habits.
How it works
Essentially, you take a circle (the wheel) and divide it into sections (the spokes of the wheel). Each section represents an area of your life. You then score how you currently feel in each sector on a scale of 0-10 and join the lines.
If all sectors of your wheel have the same score, then the joined lines will create a smooth circle, indicating a smooth road ahead in your life.
When does that actually happen, right? Odds are, your sectors will all have different scores, meaning when you join the lines, it will be uneven, indicating a bumpy road ahead.
All is not lost! This is the information you’ll use to get clear on which area of your life you’re going to focus on, creating the goals you want to reach, and the plan to reach them.
Wash, rinse, repeat
Getting clear on the sectors of your life you want to work on, what you want to feel like, and what you want out of life for each sector is powerful work. And that means that how you feel and how close you are to your goals will change throughout the year.
That’s why Sonia recommends you repeat this entire process, especially the Wheel of Life exercise at least once a year. Sonia and I both tackle this twice a year – once on January 1st and again on our birthdays. Depending on how much change you are creating, you may want to revisit yours quarterly or even monthly.
More from this episode
What a great question: What does happiness look like? It’s so easy to say we want more out of life, that we’re unhappy and feeling stuck. But how often do you actually stop to discover what it looks and feels like to be happy, unstuck and to have it all?
I know, Sonia covers so much in this episode, it’s hard to fathom that there’s even more – but there is! Sonia also delves into her “toolkit” for life, giving you another five tools to start using today.
And, since it’s the holiday season, Sonia out-does herself with tips to staying motivated with our New Year’s resolutions… or reVolutions, as Sonia calls them, as well as how to deal with the stresses of the holidays.
You’ve got all the tools you need to start creating the happiness you deserve. The only question that remains is, are you going to use them?
Press play on the episode above – you don’t want to miss this!
Follow Sonia on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. You can also get more information on Sonia’s services and blog by checking out her website.
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Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast! Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.
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