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Discovering Your Purpose

Dr. Laura Ellick is talking about discovering your purpose, living a life of purpose, connection to the Universe, and grounding yourself during chaos. Listen here!

by Lisa Cybaniak

Dr. Laura Ellick is talking about discovering your purpose, living a life of purpose, connection to the Universe, and grounding yourself during chaos. Listen here!

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Have you discovered your purpose? This one question can mean so many things, from discovering your mission in life to living consciously.

Today we’re talking about how we can get back in touch with ourselves and our connection to the Universe, releasing anxiety and empowering ourselves to live our lives with purpose.

Dr. Laura Ellick is a Licensed Psychologist, speaker, life coach and business consultant who specialises in working with patients with eating disorders, addiction, and medical illnesses, as well as depression and anxiety.

Meet Dr. Laura Ellick

Dr. Laura also works with men and women who have been in involved in relationships with narcissists or gaslighters and treats the trauma that results from toxic relationship.

She’s the author of the book “Total Wellness for Mommies”, and the brand new book, “Wisdom from the Universe”. And if that isn’t enough, Dr. Laura is also certified in Reiki and is a Zumba instructor. Talk about being well-rounded!

Best of all, she’s giving us tips today to stay grounded, discover your purpose and live your life with purpose.

So, let’s dive right in!

No Time Like the Present to Discover your Purpose

Dr. Laura’s number one tip for you today is that it’s never too late and you’re never too old to change. That change may be in your thought patterns or in your career, or anything in between.

So many times, we see people who have a brilliant idea that gets them so excited, and before you know it, they’ve talked themselves right out of it.

That’s why Dr. Laura’s number one piece of advice is not to quit before you even get started.

Let’s face it, we all have comfort zones that we’re trying to stay in. That’s all you’re trying to do when you talk yourself out of trying something new, or taking that chance in life. You’re trying to stay safe. And really, who could blame any of us for wanting to be safe?

But the reality is, sometimes staying safe means we sacrifice more than we bargained for. If you’re feeling like something’s missing from your life, like you’re not following your dreams or living your purpose, then there is no time like the present!

Dr. Laura Ellick is talking about discovering your purpose, living a life of purpose, connection to the Universe, and grounding yourself during chaos. Listen here!

Discovering your Purpose will Present Obstacles

There’s a fine line we’re all balancing between having a great idea that we really get invested in, following it through no matter what, and realising that maybe the path we’re taking to reach our purpose, isn’t quite the right path.

Instead of a straight path from point A to B, your path is more of an s-curve.

Dr. Laura reminds us that there is always a way around any obstacle you face. The route may be unexpected, but you will have an adventure!

If you’re able to take opportunities when they arise, step back and reflect on where you’re at compared to where you want to be, and check in that what you’re doing is still feeling like you’re living with purpose, then you’ll come out the other side of those obstacles still reaching your goal – discovering your purpose.

There’s No Shame in Asking for Help with your Purpose

Dr. Laura reminds us that people want to help. Our closest friends and family want to be there for us, and feel like they’re making a difference. I mean, when you have someone in your circle that is going through something, you want to help them, right? There is no difference here.

Help may look very different, depending on what your situation is. Discovering your purpose is about daydreaming and then creating goals to empower you to reach your destination.

The help you may need may be in brainstorming to figure out what you’re passionate about. Or perhaps a sounding board to help you work your way through all the thoughts and ideas in your head.

You may want to reach out to someone who’s made a similar transition to you… someone who’s gone in search of their purpose, and found it.

It may be that you need a coach to hold you accountable, a therapist to help you work through any issues that arise in your journey, or an NLP practitioner to help you uncover the negative beliefs that are running your show so you can re-write their script.

And sometimes, the help you seek is tangible. Perhaps you need someone to watch your children while you take a class, or financial support from loved ones while you transition from whatever you do now into your passion-filled life of purpose.

Whatever it is, Dr. Laura reminds you that there is no shame in asking for help.

More from this episode

Dr. Laura talks about so much more in this episode, including how anxiety leads to depression and the impact of the unknown, like COVID-19, has on our anxiety.

She also delves into the signs you can look for within your own patterns to tell if you need help. This in particular is so important as so many people are living with long term negative thoughts and behaviours, that they don’t realise there is a different way.

It’s normal to them to put themselves down, for example. So, how would they know that there’s a different way? What would drive you to reach out for help if you believed your behaviour towards yourself was normal?

Most likely, you wouldn’t, unless there were some signs to look out for – which is exactly what Dr. Laura goes on to share with us.

On top of these amazing tips, Dr. Laura talks about how we can stay grounded when we feel as if chaos is around us, and how we can get more in tune with our connection to the Universe.

It’s an episode you don’t want to miss!

Press play on the episode above to get all the details!

Follow Dr. Laura Ellick

Learn more about Dr. Laura and her work, on her website. You can also follow Dr. Laura on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Pre-order her book, “Wisdom from the Universe” here. And of course, become a beta tester for Dr. Laura’s new 90 day “Restart your Life” program!

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Music credit: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque

Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast!  Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.

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By Lisa Cybaniak

I am Lisa Cybaniak, Reiki Master Teacher, High Priestess, Author, Founder of Life, like you mean it, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. I am doing my part to aid in the evolution of the Earth, and mankind by providing Reiki treatments and training. This, along with Massage Therapy and my monthly Full Moon Women's Circles, offers gentle, yet effective healing.