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Listen to Your Heart

by Lisa Cybaniak

Listen to your heart when making decisions about your life, rather than focusing on what society, your culture, or even your family expect of and from you. Listen to this episode here!

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How often do you listen to your heart when making decisions, versus choosing based on societal, cultural or even familial norms and expectations?

Today we’re talking about how what society, or others, want for us isn’t necessarily what will make our hearts sing… and that’s okay. Just because someone else believes this is the right step for you, doesn’t mean it’s true. Knowing your own strength will allow you to listen to your heart and do what’s best for you in all areas of your life.

Michaela Pontiki, or “Lady M” as she is known, is a motivational and public speaker, radio presenter, business and life mentor, and the driving force behind Arapina Bakery, an award-winning healthy lifestyle bakery focusing on vegan, gluten and dairy-free creations.

Meet Michaela Pontiki

But Michaela didn’t come from a food industry background. Instead, she followed her cultural, familial and even societal expectations and became an architect. Being vegan, gluten and dairy-free herself, she found the limited food options unappealing. They were either heavy and difficult to digest, dry and tasteless, or had ingredients reminiscent of a chemistry lesson!

So, being the dynamic person and a believer of a healthier living, Lady M thought, “If you can’t find it, create it!” It was that one decision that catapulted her complete career change. That’s right, she listened to her heart, stepped outside of the expectations others had placed on her, and created a beautiful and successful life doing something completely different.

And she’s here with us today to not only share this story and others, but to show you how you too can listen to your heart.

So, let’s dive right in!

Listen to your heart when making decisions about your life, rather than focusing on what society, your culture, or even your family expect of and from you. Listen to this episode here!

Question the Source

The people giving you advice and attempting to guide you in the “right” direction may have your best interest at heart, but that doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest to follow that advice or guidance.

They’re not you. They’re giving you advice based on what they would do in your situation, which is based on the beliefs they have about what should be done. Just because some people, even an entire culture, believes something doesn’t mean it’s true! It’s an opinion that has been formed into a belief by reinforcement. One person decided it was so and another person agreed. That doesn’t mean you have to.

Positive People

Michaela recommends you surround yourself with positive people in order to help you listen to your heart. This isn’t because positive people will give you advice based on your needs, but that it just feels better to be around them.

Sure, positive people will very likely still give advice and offer guidance that you still need to question, but they tend to shift their perspective and mindset on the situation at hand. And that’s contagious!

Listen to Your Heart

Lastly, Michaela reminds us to listen to your heart, it’s smarter than your brain. In all areas of your life, you know you’re the best person to make the decisions that are right for you. Always. Try not to focus on what is expected of you. Clear your mind and instead focus on how it feels to make this choice, versus this other choice.

That may mean you literally need to sit in silence and visualise making a certain decision and the outcome of that decision. For example, Michaela could’ve done this when making the decision to stay in architecture, or to leave to open Arapina.

Visualise the outcome of choosing to stay. How does it feel? Now visualise the outcome of choosing to leave for a new adventure. How does that feel?

Which one causes your heart to sing?

More from this episode

Michaela shares so much more in this episode, from looking at your legacy, the role of your ego, acceptance and surrender, and of course, tips she’s offering to entrepreneurs based on her life experiences.

Press play on the episode above to get all the details!

Follow Michaela Pontiki

Find out more about Michaela and Arapina on her website. You can also follow Michaela on Instagram and Facebook, and Arapina Bakery, on Instagram and Twitter.

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Music credit: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque

Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast!  Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.

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By Lisa Cybaniak

I am Lisa Cybaniak, Reiki Master Teacher, High Priestess, Author, Founder of Life, like you mean it, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. I am doing my part to aid in the evolution of the Earth, and mankind by providing Reiki treatments and training. This, along with Massage Therapy and my monthly Full Moon Women's Circles, offers gentle, yet effective healing.