by Lisa Cybaniak

Have you ever had a dream you were working hard to turn into reality, only to face one obstacle after another? How do you know those obstacles aren’t a sign from the Universe telling you to give up? For that matter, how do you know they’re not a sign telling you to persevere and find a different way to reach that goal?
Today we’re talking about getting out of your own way to success and effectively manifest everything you want in life. For instance, are you the type of person who sits back and waits for the Universe to show you where to go next, or do you decide, shout it from the rooftops, and follow the opportunities the Universe lays in front of you? The answer matters… greatly.
Chris Atley is an award-winning coach, TEDX speaker and bestselling author who has been featured on media outlets such as Bloomberg Radio, Fox, ABC, the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, and Saturday Morning TV Foundation. She’s also a long-time friend of mine and was my personal business coach for several months when I first started my business back in 2016.
Chris is known for her ability to help others shift their belief systems and realise the many limits in their lives, are merely perceived. She helps people step into their greatness, make empowered decisions and create the results and life they desire.
Meet Chris Atley
Chris practices what she preaches. She’s a born and bred Canadian who had a dream to move to California and build an incredible life as a successful coach. She manifested that dream right into reality, using the key ideas we’re talking about today. Chris now resides in her dream location – a cozy beach town in California with her husband, two children and puppy.
It wasn’t all easy going. Chris and her family had their fair share of hurdles to get around, but she firmly believes that when your dream is coming from a place of love and expansion instead of lack-based fear, you can’t be wrong. Each obstacle that was thrown in her way was an opportunity to learn and grow. And it was that attitude, understanding, and trust in herself that allowed her to get up instead of giving up.
Are you ready to learn exactly how you too can manifest everything you want in life, both personally and professionally? I’m telling you, this episode is packed with amazing content that you just don’t want to miss.
So, let’s dive right in!
Why do you want what you want?
Chris’ first tip for manifesting your dreams is to get clear on why you actually want this dream to become a reality. Is it coming from your heart, from a place of love, or is it coming from a lack-based place of fear? For example, do you want a new car because it will help your family, allow you to have a safe vehicle to use for work and leisure, and will be comfortable for your whole family to travel in? Or, do you want that new car because it will help you keep up with the Jones’? If it’s the latter, you may want to consider a shift in your ‘why’.
What beliefs are running the show?
You might be able to understand intellectually what it is you want and why you want it, and even how to get it, but if you believe you’ll fail, can’t do it, or don’t deserve it, that belief is running the show. You will sabotage your attempts to manifest your dream. This step requires quite a bit of work because you need to be very honest with yourself about all the deeply rooted beliefs you have, not just of yourself, but of money, societal norms, the world, and your place in it.
For example, I had worked on my beliefs about being worthy of success and wealth, but I neglected to realise I had a strong belief that money was filthy and stinking. It came from that expression, “They’re filthy, stinking rich”.
While I was going around earning lots of money because I knew I deserved it, I couldn’t keep hold of it. My unconscious mind was desperate to get rid of it because it thought that to have it meant I was dirty. Who wants to be thought of as dirty, right?
Until I could get clear on that belief, and challenge it, I was not going to manifest that dream of becoming successful and wealthy.
Change your mindset
Mindset has a huge impact on our abilities to manifest. For example, if you approach an obstacle in your path while attempting to manifest a particular goal, how you view that obstacle will determine your behaviour towards it. Do you consider this a failure and a sign that you should stop? Or, do you recognise this as a potential opportunity, placed in your path so you can ensure you are going about meeting your goal the way that is best for your highest good?
Even if it is an obstacle that you realise you cannot surpass, does this mean you’re a failure? Or, does it mean there is something better out there? Perhaps this was a learning opportunity for you to gain the skills and knowledge you’ll need to apply later, when you are manifesting that dream.
In this way, I say there is no such thing as failure, only redirection. In NLP, we say something similar: there is no such thing as failure, only feedback.
More from this episode
We hear people throwing around these ideas about manifesting your dream life, but they always make it seem like you say a mantra a few times a day and abracadabra!
Rarely does anyone talk about the work involved, the concept of opening yourself up to receive, getting clear on the outcome you desire, holding yourself accountable, your mindset surrounding failure, or your interaction with and expectation of the Universe. Never mind the most impactful concept Chris spoke about today, in my opinion: your beliefs.
If you don’t know what belief is running the show, and unpack those beliefs, challenge them and re-write their script, you’re simply going to keep getting in your own way to success.
We talk about so much more in this episode too, like how the idea that everything will just ‘flow’ if it’s meant to happen is a bunch of BS; the influence the film ‘The Secret’ had on her life; the obstacles her and her family faced when trying to manifest her dream of living in California; how to know when to stick with it and persevere or throw in the towel and redirect your energies; and how to use a vision board effectively as a manifestation tool.
Press play on the episode above – you don’t want to miss this!
Follow Chris on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, check out her Global Circle group, and learn more about her new course for coaches, The Coaches Code.
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Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast! Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.
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