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The injustice in proving child abuse

  There is a distinctive injustice in proving child abuse. It lies in two words ‘prove’ and ‘child’. I was physically, sexually and psychologically abused for 10 years, from the age of 2 until 12 by my now ex step-father. During this time, I was told I was stupid, ugly, useless, worthless and unlovable nearly… Continue reading The injustice in proving child abuse

6 Manifestations of Trauma

    Having experienced trauma in the form of child abuse first hand, I can safely say it changes you. It shapes you into the adult you will grow to be, and influences every decision you make. Most of these decisions are the subconscious kind – the ones you don’t really stop to think about,… Continue reading 6 Manifestations of Trauma

12 Positive Intentions to become a Survivor

  Living through any trauma is difficult, no matter your age. Living through child abuse has tremendous challenges. It is not just about surviving; it is about surviving well, about being a survivor. What is the difference? One is living as a victim of the abuse, while the other, a survivor. The Victim A victim… Continue reading 12 Positive Intentions to become a Survivor