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Get Off the Unhappiness Treadmill

by Lisa Cybaniak Are you happy? I mean, truly, completely, 100% happy in all areas of your life? It’s normal to feel like you’re totally winning in certain areas of your life while others seem to fall by the wayside. But sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day of life, ignoring those aspects… Continue reading Get Off the Unhappiness Treadmill

Change your Life through Self-Care

by Lisa Cybaniak Just 10 years ago, self-care was thought of as indulgent, and even selfish. It was commonplace to think that to be the best mum, dad, employee, or person, you had to put everyone else, and their needs, ahead of your own. That was especially true when it came to your kids. Today… Continue reading Change your Life through Self-Care

Shift from “Am I?” into “I am!”

by Lisa Cybaniak Have you ever wondered, or perhaps even realised, that the dramas you’re trying to fix are actually all in your head? I know I’ve caught myself many times over the years mulling over an experience from the past, coming up with all the brilliant things to say in the moment that has… Continue reading Shift from “Am I?” into “I am!”