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Be Afraid… and Do It Anyway!

by Lisa Cybaniak You can also listen on… *Trigger Warning* Fear is something we all experience in our lives. It’s a normal physiological response that we need to keep us safe. The issue for us is that we’re no longer running from predators! Our ancestors experienced fear and literally used that fear to act –… Continue reading Be Afraid… and Do It Anyway!

Coronavirus and Your Mental Health

by Lisa Cybaniak You can also listen on… So… that happened. Here we were, all of us minding our own business one moment and in lockdown (aka quarantine) the next, due to the coronavirus pandemic. And we’re struggling. Big time. It’s not just our physical health we are all concerned with. It’s also our mental… Continue reading Coronavirus and Your Mental Health

Starting a Business in Unfamiliar Territory

by Lisa Cybaniak So you’re thinking about starting up a business, whether it’s leaving the corporate world in favour for entrepreneurship, or selling your business to start something new, and you’re consumed with trying to figure out what you want to invest your time and money in for your business venture. Today we’re talking about… Continue reading Starting a Business in Unfamiliar Territory