by Lisa Cybaniak

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Your mindset is everything. This is such a popular expression that it’s been a trending hashtag for months now. I know, I use it every day! But being familiar with something is far different from utterly understanding, never mind implementing it.
Today we’re talking about the deep inner work of mindset transformation that needs to be done in order to allow yourself to truly live the life you were born to live. Becoming aware of your thoughts and making a different decision is within your control. In fact, you have all the control. This is the basis of ALL the work I do, with myself and my clients, because honestly and truly, mindset is everything.
Donna Elliott and Cheryl Lee are Mindset and Leadership Experts and the Founders of “Now Is Your Time”. They work with best-selling authors, heads of multi-million-dollar fashion labels, large organisations such as BBC and Amex, and mum-entrepreneurs who are committed to evolving people development through the power of mindset mastery and wellbeing. Donna and Cheryl are empowering individuals all over the world to become the best version of themselves.
Meet Donna Elliott and Cheryl Lee
When they say that mindset is everything, they’re speaking from personal experience. Like all of us, Donna and Cheryl have faced many difficult times throughout their lives. In this episode, Donna will share how she faced suicidal thoughts throughout her divorce to an abusive man. Cheryl, will share how being adopted and mixed-race, raise in a predominately white community, battled with a loss of identity. Both women, at different times in their lives, had to conclude that their ability to heal and move forward began with their mindset. And now they’re here today to help you do the same!
True to their business name, Now Is Your Time, is helping us to truly understand just how important our mindset is, AND how to shift it.
So, let’s dive right in!

Everything starts with a Thought
This is the number one reason why your mindset is everything – because everything starts with a thought. You’re thinking and creating different thoughts countless times a day. Your thoughts may include money, relationship, your abilities or what you deserve.
If you’re thinking about money, for example, and your thoughts are along the lines of, “I really want to be a florist, but I’ll never make the kind of money I do now as an accountant, so I’ll never be able to make it work”, then guess what? You’re right.
It’s not that you can’t make the same money or that you won’t be able to make it work. It’s that you believe you can’t and won’t, so you won’t. Your thoughts become your reality.
Since our mindset is everything, let’s look at some of Donna and Cheryl’s tips for shifting yours!
Start to Dream
Instead of future tripping, as Donna and Cheryl call it, with all the negative thoughts of what if… I can’t make it work; don’t make as much money as I do now; never get married; won’t ever afford a house; can’t do it… switch those “what if’s” into the positive.
What if… I make it work; make loads of money; marry the man of my dreams; live in my dream home; can do it?
When you ask these questions, shifted into the positive, you start getting excited about the possibilities. You daydream, which means you picture yourself already accomplishing “it”. And that begins to retrain your brain to believe it’s possible.
Suddenly, those positive thoughts become your reality. Instead of limiting yourself, you propel yourself forward.
That again is exactly why your mindset is everything.
Get Intentional
So many people are willing to “wait and see” what the future holds. They passively wait for their moment. But as Donna and Cheryl remind us, we don’t know if we have another 6 months or a year to be here. Heck, we don’t know for sure we’ll even be here tomorrow. TODAY is the day to seek moments of clarity and awareness. It’s time to be proactive.
If you’re finding it difficult to even think of what it is you want (because you’ve spent so much of your life thinking about what you don’t want, or can’t do, or shouldn’t do), then now is the time to ask a serious question: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Write your response down and put it somewhere you’ll see it regularly, as a reminder. Now sit and create an intentional plan to take a step each day towards reaching it. Your plan should also include time, and support you’ll seek, to do the work needed on your mindset and deep beliefs.
And don’t forget to talk about it! Tell your friends, have excited conversations about what it looks, feels and sounds like to be doing “it”.
It’s another great way to retrain your brain into believing it’s possible. Remember, your mindset is everything!
More from this episode
Donna and Cheryl share so much more in this episode, including their own struggles with their mindsets, what helped each of them in shifting their mindset, and how they empower others to do the same.
One of the most powerful comments made by Donna and Cheryl in this interview was the fact that the next 24-hours will pass regardless if you choose to remain unconscious of the power of your thoughts, or if you choose to become aware of them and their influence over your life. I’ll leave you with this final question: Are you ready to admit that your mindset is everything?
Press play on the episode above to get all the details!
Follow Now Is Your Time
You can find out more about Donna Elliott and Cheryl Lee, as well as their business, Now Is Your Time, on their website. Check out their Soul System here. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.
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Voice over credit: Shari Vandermolen. Shari is offering a free download of one of her songs to the fans of the Life Like You Mean It podcast! Just visit and tell her where to send it. Shari’s debut album is available for streaming on all the major platforms including Spotify and iTunes.
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